Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation


  • Thierry Viéville is in charge, at the Inria national level, of the institute science outreach actions and depends on the Direction de la Recherche for this part of his work.

  • Member of the scientific committee of the CNRS PEPS program, of the local Inria committee for invited professors (F. Alexandre).

  • Expert of the ITMO 'Neurosciences, Sciences Cognitive, Neurologie, Psychiatrie' (F. Alexandre)

Review activities

  • Reviewing for journals: Plos One, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, Applied Intelligence, Cognitive Computation, J. Physiol. (F. Alexandre); Neural Networks, Neurocomputing (N. Rougier); Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (T. Viéville).

  • Member of program committees of conferences: CAP, EMBS, TAIMA (F. Alexandre)

  • Reviewing for the Fonds Recherche Quebec, the CNRS, the ANR and several french regional and territorial agencies and universities (F. Alexandre)

Workshops, conferences and seminars

Organization of conferences and workshops:

  • Member of the organizing committee of the annual symposium of the CNRS GDR “Multi-electrodes”, in charge of the tutorial day (F. Alexandre, october)

Invited speaker and seminars:

  • Invited talk to the CNRS 'STIC-Santé' GDR day: “Computer Science and the Brain” (N. Rougier, november)

  • Invited Talk to the “Robotics and the Living”, Conference organized by the Cergy-Pontoise university (N. Rougier, december)

  • Invited Talks “Scientific Visualization” for the JDEV 2013 days (N. Rougier, september)